Don’t laugh at her

Today she posted the most beautiful status on social media of how much her “man” adores her.

Yesterday she posted a status filled with sad face emojis and a picture of a bruised lip.

Don’t laugh at her

Last night she barely slept, waking every 30 minutes to make sure he didn’t keep his promise and hurt theirĀ children.

Today she listened to the whispers of coworkers as they described how her foundation barely covered her bruised cheek.

The next day she received flowers at work.

Don’t laugh at her

Today was the day she would leave, she went to the ATM after work only to find out he emptied her bank account.

She made lasagna and garlic bread for dinner.

Don’t laugh at her

Today she told her mom she couldn’t take it anymore and she had to leave.

Her mom told her to stop making him so upset, she can’t take care of three children on her own.

Don’t laugh at her

Today she made another post this time of her abdomen and legs black and blue.

He got creative, he couldn’t make love to her with a black eye.

Don’t laugh at her

Today she stared at the social media site and read all the subliminal post and comments on how stupid she was.

Some of the people responding were her friends.

Don’t laugh at her

Tonight she cleaned the kitchen, made love to her “man” and kissed her kids goodnight.

Today he left for work, the kids went to school and she decided enough was enough.

30 pills later and she is dead only her children left to cherish her memories.

Don’t laugh at her

It takes a woman an average of 7 times to leave a domestic violent relationship before she decides she isn’t going back. During this process it is up to you to not laugh at her but be whatever she needs to be. If she needs a shoulder be a shoulder, if she needs a place to stay give her a blanket. But whatever you do don’t make her feel as if she has no way out. Death should not be an option.


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