After all the busted lips,broken ribs and black eyes for some reason my mother still said yes when her boyfriend proposed to her. It was actually creative, he had gotten an oversized box and filled it with heavy objects maybe rocks and placed the small ring in the box. I’m not sure if it was Christmas or my mother’s birthday but when he proposed her eyes lit up and she said yes. I remember it was so ghetto, my sister and I ran around the neighborhood passing out the wedding invites. One of the ladies two houses down from us mumbled ” Now he gonna be able to legally beat her”. I didn’t say anything just ran back home really thinking that the abuse would be 100% ok if they got married. The wedding day never came, my mother didn’t live long enough. I believe my mother like other women thought if they say “I do” the man would change or they could change them. Just because a male proposes to you doesn’t mean you have to say YES. Choose to love yourself and know your worth. I do believe people can change but that will take God, counseling and willing heart. You can’t change a man!